
Can you Work with Too Many Crystals?

Can you Work with Too Many Crystals?

July 15, 20244 min read

"In every crystal, we see the marvels of the cosmos and the sacred bonds of the Earth."

Hey wild ones, beautiful souls, amazing kindred spirits on this marvellous journey of cosmic discovery! Today, we step into a subject that stirs many hearts and awakens curious minds: “Can you work with too many crystals?” Oh, the allure of these beautiful, shimmering gifts from Mother Earth—each one a sacred treasure in its own right. But as with all elements of our spiritual and magickal journeys, balance is key. Let’s unwrap this together, shall we?

First off, let’s take a breath and get comfy. Grab your favourite cup of herbal tea, nestle into your cosiest spot, and let’s chat. Picture this: you’ve got crystals in your pockets, maybe a few tucked in your bra, and your wrists, oh wow, they’re adorned with a stunning array of crystal bracelets. It’s both dazzling and deeply connected, but then it starts to niggle in the back of your mind—are they cancelling each other out? Is their wondrous energy becoming somewhat muddled? Spoiler alert: yes, it can happen. Just as too many voices talking at once can lead to chaos, so can the energies of too many crystals.

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In my raw and real exploration of nearly two decades with these magickal stones, I've encountered that overzealous vibrational soup myself. Our crystals, though beautiful and wondrous, carry specific energies that can either harmonise or clash. Their frequencies, like ours, are unique and must be respected and understood.

When you’re beginning your crystal journey, my advice is to start simple. Honour the energy and wisdom of one crystal at a time. Get to know it—like, really know it. Connect with its frequency, and let it work its magick. Once you’ve attuned yourself, you can begin to combine their energies synergistically.

Now, my passionate advice, my vibrant seekers, is to not go over three crystals at a time when working intentionally. Why? Because more than that can turn the serene into the chaotic. It’s like trying to listen to several beautiful songs playing simultaneously. Each melody is stunning on its own but together can create a cacophony that leaves you feeling overwhelmed or disoriented. I remember times when too many high-vibrational crystals—think Moldavite, Apophyllite, or Auralite 23—had me spinning like I’d had the equivalent of a cosmic caffeine overdose. Hehe, not quite the grounding experience one might hope for!

When you're feeling the dizzying vibes, remember, it's okay to step back and ground yourself. Your body, your intuition, will guide you. Feel heavy or off-balance? That's your beautiful soul nudging you—it’s time to pare back. You’ll find your perfect vibrational symphony with practice and patience, wild ones.

Just like nature's incredible wisdom, crystal combinations work best when they share harmonious properties. Love manifesting wealth? Look to citrine, pyrite, and green aventurine. Need rest and calm? Howlite is your gentle ally, but raucous Carnelian with its fiery passion might just cancel that out. Balance, my friends, balance.

There are wondrous methods to work with multiple crystals effectively. Let’s dive right into some tips:

  1. Set Clear Intentions: Before working with any crystal, have a heartfelt chat with them. State your intention clearly. This allows the unique properties of each crystal to complement one another purposefully.

  2. Cleanse Regularly: Our beautiful crystals can absorb energies and sometimes need a good cleanse. This could be a gentle smudging with sacred herbs, a serene dip in running water, or even a sonic cleansing. Think of it as a spiritual spa day for your crystals!

  3. Combine by Element: Pairing crystals with similar elemental associations—like fire stones (Sunstone, Carnelian) or water stones (Aquamarine, Moonstone)—can create harmonious energy waves.

  4. Use a Crystal Grid: Set up a grid with a centre stone, surrounded by supportive stones that align with your desired intention. Simple and deeply magickal.

  5. Trust Your Intuition: If you're ever unsure, let your intuition be your guide. Close your eyes, reach out, and let your soul choose which crystal to carry with you for the day. Keep a journal of these experiences. You'll be amazed at the synchronicities and insights that arise!

In this soulful exploration, remember to hold on to your passion, your sense of magick, and your incredible, beautiful connection to Mother Earth. Be gentle with yourself, and trust your journey. Your authentic path with these stones is as unique and wondrous as you are.

So, next time you’re adorning yourself with crystals or setting up a sacred ritual, embrace the wisdom of simplicity and balance. May your crystal journeys be filled with healing, transformation, and deep, soulful connection.
Stay wild, stay curious, and stay grounded, won’t you?

If you’re yearning to dive deeper into the wondrous world of crystals, head over to my YouTube channel, The Wild and Untamed Way, and watch the full video on “Can You Work With Too Many Crystals?” Let’s embrace this journey together!

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Emma Louise Dyson

In the embrace of nature's whispers, Emma, a devoted Earth Medicine Woman, Shamanic Witch and Feral Rebel, weaves her magical tapestry. From the depths of ancient forests to the whispering winds atop sacred hills, she forages wild plants, communing with elemental spirits to infuse her witchcraft with potent magick. With every step, she honours the sacred balance of the natural world, dancing with the elements—earth, air, fire, water and ether—in rituals of reverence and empowerment. As a seasoned practitioner and teacher of witchcraft, Emma shares her deep wisdom and mystical practices with seekers eager to awaken their own magickal potential. Through her courses, workshops and retreats, she guides others to blend crystal energies, herbal wisdom, and elemental rituals, empowering them on their spiritual journey. Her teachings transcend mere spells and potions, serving as a sacred invitation to connect with the earth's magick and the transformative power within. Emma's expertise extends beyond the realms of magick, her career in jewellery and gemstones has taken her all over the world, from the renowned New York Diamond District to gem mines in Africa. As well as studying with the Gemological Institute of America, she also has six years of experience as a jewellery and gemstone expert on TV, and loves the cross over between the science and the metaphysics, Through her work, she invites others to explore the hidden depths of the earth, unlocking the secrets of gemstones and their profound energies. Deeply rooted in shamanic traditions, Emma's journey began under the tutelage of a fourth-generation Siberian shaman, where she learned the ancient wisdom and sacred practices that continue to guide her work today. With her shamanic training and intuitive connection to the spiritual realms, Emma facilitates transformative healing sessions, guiding seekers on a path of self-discovery, empowerment, and spiritual growth. As a Certified Shamanic Practitioner, Journey Facilitator, Soul Retrieval Facilitator, Accredited Crystal Practitioner, Plant Spirit Shaman, Ancestral Trauma Healing Practitioner, and Meditation Facilitator, Emma offers a diverse array of skills and techniques to support individuals on their journey of healing, empowerment, and spiritual growth. Through her sacred rituals and ceremonies, she invites others to reconnect with their true essence and embrace the magic of the shamanic path.

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