Wild & Untamed

Empowerment Through Harmonising with Spirit and Nature

Wild & Untamed

Empowerment Through Harmonising with Spirit and Nature


Embrace Nature's Wisdom, Unleash Your Inner Magic

I believe that by embracing the wisdom of nature, we can tap into our own inner magic and transformative power. This philosophy is the heart of my practice, guiding us towards personal growth and a more authentic self through the healing embrace of nature.

£129 for 60-90 Minutes

Shamanic HEaling Session

Are you seeking profound healing and transformation on a spiritual level?  Welcome to Shamanic Healing Sessions, where ancient wisdom meets modern wellness practices to help you restore balance, harmony, and vitality in your life. 

What is Shamanic Healing? Shamanic Healing is an ancient practice that taps into the wisdom of nature and the spirit world to address physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances. Drawing from traditions across cultures. Shamanic Healing offers a holistic approach to well-being, focusing on the interconnectedness of all aspects of life.

£129 for 60-90 MInutes

Shamanic Healing Session

Are you seeking profound healing and transformation on a spiritual level? Welcome to Shamanic Healing Sessions, where ancient wisdom meets modern wellness practices to help you restore balance, harmony, and vitality in your life. What is Shamanic Healing? Shamanic Healing is an ancient practice that taps into the wisdom of nature and the spirit world to address physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances. Drawing from traditions across cultures. Shamanic Healing offers a holistic approach to well-being, focusing on the interconnectedness of all aspects of life.

Read more about this service below.

I offer a range of personalised services tailored to your unique needs: Shamanic Journeying: Embark on a guided journey to explore the realms of the subconscious and connect with your inner wisdom. Power Retrieval: Reclaim lost energy and vitality, restoring your personal power and resilience. Distant Healing: Experience the profound effects of energy healing, no matter where you are in the world. Energy Balancing: Harmonise your energy centres and restore equilibrium to body, mind, and spirit. Soul Retrieval: Heal past traumas and reclaim fragmented aspects of your soul for wholeness and integration. Ancestral Trauma Release: Release inherited patterns and wounds that may be holding you back from living your fullest potential. Extraction of Unwanted Energies/Entities: Clear stagnant or negative energies from your energetic field, allowing for greater flow and vitality. Cutting the Cords: Release unhealthy attachments and patterns that no longer serve your highest good, whether they stem from ancestral lineage or past relationships. Power Animal Connection: Connect with your spirit allies for guidance, protection, and support on your journey of healing and self-discovery. 

Book your Shamanic Healing Session today and take the first step towards a life of greater harmony, vitality, and well-being.

Coming Soon...

Awaken the Witch Within

Join the waitlist for our Beginners Shamanic Witchcraft Course, "Awaken the Witch Within." Dive into the mystical realms of witchcraft as we explore ancient practices, rituals, and wisdom passed down through generations. Unlock your innate magickal abilities, connect with the natural world, and embrace the witch within you. Be the first to embark on this enchanting journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Coming Soon...

Awaken The Witch Within

Join the waitlist for our Beginners Shamanic Witchcraft Course, "Awaken the Witch Within." Dive into the mystical realms of witchcraft as we explore ancient practices, rituals, and wisdom passed down through generations. Unlock your innate magickal abilities, connect with the natural world, and embrace the witch within you. Be the first to embark on this enchanting journey of self-discovery and transformation.


From My Clients


Bobbie Wright

Crystal Healer

Emma gifted me her knowledge of our Mother nature's rocks & crystals which has enabled me to bring the magic of crystal healing into my life and share it with beautiful people in need of nurturing & comfort from the pains of our world. 

This year my business has grown because of Emma's support and vast knowledge of our individual spiritual needs  

I would not have found the belief in myself to pursue this humbling healing modality if not for her!! I will always be forever grateful to Emma for leading me on this path of discovery which birthed my beautiful crystal healing space whilst also opening my eyes to the wonders of many other natural healing practices, earth medicine Love you Keep shining your magick !!

Empower Your Journey with Emma

Personalised Guidance

Emma offers personalised guidance tailored to your unique spiritual journey. Through one-on-one sessions, she listens deeply to your needs, aspirations, and challenges, providing insightful guidance, practical tools, and empowering techniques to support your growth and transformation. 

Empowering Workshop, Courses and Retreats

Join Emma in empowering workshops, courses and retreats designed to deepen your understanding of Shamanic Witchcraft, Earth Medicine Magick, and the sacred connection to nature. Through experiential learning, you'll explore ancient wisdom teachings, hone your intuitive abilities, and awaken your innate magickal potential. 

Community Support and Connection

Connect with like-minded souls and find support on your journey through Emma's vibrant community. Whether you're seeking guidance, sharing experiences, or engaging in group rituals, you'll discover a welcoming space where you can grow, learn, and thrive together with fellow seekers on the path of wild and untamed magick. 

Experience the transformative power of Emma's guidance and embrace the untamed beauty of your spiritual journey. Join her today and step into a world of empowerment, magick, and limitless possibilities.


Sign up now and receive a free monthly ritual to ignite the magic within!