
5 Crystal and Herb Pairings for Lammas/Lughnasadh

5 Crystal and Herb Pairings for Lammas / Lughnasadh

July 29, 20244 min read

"And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair." - Kahlil Gibran

Hey there, Wild Ones! 🌾🧙‍♀️

Gather ‘round, kindred spirits, for today, we embark on a sacred journey to embrace the wondrous and magickal energies of Lammas. This ancient festival of the first harvest—also known as Lughnasadh—beckons us to honour Mother Earth, celebrate the abundance of life, and give thanks for the blessings she so generously bestows upon us.

5 Crystal and Herb Pairings for Lammas / Lughnasadh

Let’s explore five incredible crystal and herb pairings that you can weave into your Lammas rituals and spells, connecting deeply with the earth and activating your inner magick.

1. Obsidian and Rosemary: A Shield of Protection

My beautiful souls, Lammas is a time to protect the bountiful harvest and the blessings we’ve reaped. Obsidian, with its grounding and shielding energy, combined with the protective and purifying properties of rosemary, creates a powerful duo to safeguard our sacred spaces. Imagine a comforting cocoon wrapping around you, shielding you from negativity as you honour the fruits of your labour.

Authentic Practice: Create a protection charm by placing obsidian and rosemary near your front door or altar. Alternatively, craft a rosemary and obsidian-infused oil to anoint yourself and your magickal tools. This simple yet profound act ensures grounded and protective energy during your Lammas celebrations.

2. Citrine and Basil: Manifesting Prosperity

Oh, the joy of abundance, right? Celebrate Lammas with warmth and radiant energy by inviting prosperity into your life with citrine and basil. Citrine, known as the merchant stone, vibrates with sun-like energy, fostering abundance and joy. Paired with basil's protective and prosperous nature, this combination becomes your personal goldmine of success and happiness.

Sacred Ritual: Design a prosperity grid with citrine crystals and basil leaves on your altar. Light a candle in the centre while envisioning wealth and success flowing into your life. Another delightful practice is to draw a ritual bath with dried basil and citrine crystals, immersing yourself in golden light and attracting positive energies.

3. Carnelian and Yarrow: Courage in the Darkness

As the days shorten and we prepare for winter’s chill, courage becomes our steadfast companion. Enter carnelian and yarrow, whose combined energies bolster strength, dispel fears, and heal emotional wounds. Carnelian’s vibrant essence fuels our confidence, while yarrow serves as a psychic protector and emotional healer.

Empowering Elixir: Create a courage elixir by soaking yarrow leaves and a piece of carnelian in spring water under the sun. Sip this elixir before rituals to infuse yourself with bravery. Alternatively, fashion a spell jar filled with yarrow and carnelian, sealing it with your heartfelt intention for courage, and place it on your altar.

4. Green Aventurine and Sunflower: Good Luck Abounds

Who doesn’t love a touch of good fortune, eh? Green aventurine, the manifesting marvel, teams up with sunflower, the beacon of joy and positivity, to usher in good luck. Their synergy not only brings success and abundance but also emotional healing and a vibrant zest for life.

Joyful Amulet: Wrap a sunflower petal and green aventurine crystal in cloth, creating a good luck amulet to carry with you during Lammas festivities. Another magickal treat is to craft a sunflower and aventurine candle, lighting it to summon positivity and luck during your rituals.

5. Meadowsweet and Amber: Pure Joy and Happiness

Ah, the sheer bliss of joyful celebration! Amber and meadowsweet create a divine concoction to radiate happiness throughout your soul. Amber’s sunny energy and meadowsweet’s associations with love and joy amplify the plentiful blessings of Lammas.

Blissful Creation: Concoct a room spray with meadowsweet-infused water and amber oil, or pamper yourself with meadowsweet and amber powder bath bombs for relaxation and pure happiness. Their enchanting fragrances and uplifting energies will leave you rejuvenated and full of wonder.

These sacred pairings invite you to embrace, celebrate, and deepen your connection to the Earth’s rhythms and your own inner magick. As we honour the first harvest, let us express gratitude for the abundance we have and share our joy and blessings with our beautiful community.

Reflect & Share: Tell me about your favourite crystals and herbs to work with during Lammas. Let’s create a nurturing circle where we share and inspire each other’s magickal practices.

Stay wild, stay curious, and celebrate the incredible journey of life. For a deeper dive into these crystal and herb pairings and to see them in action, watch the full video on YouTube. Until next time, blessed be, my wondrous tribe.

Lammas crystal and herb pairingsBest Lammas ritualsLammas spell ideasCrystals for LammasHerbs for LammasLammas protection ritualsProsperity rituals for LammasCourage rituals LammasGood luck spells LammasJoy and happiness Lammas ritualsObsidian and rosemary protectionCitrine and basil prosperityCarnelian and yarrow courageGreen aventurine and sunflower good luck
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Emma Louise Dyson

In the embrace of nature's whispers, Emma, a devoted Earth Medicine Woman, Shamanic Witch and Feral Rebel, weaves her magical tapestry. From the depths of ancient forests to the whispering winds atop sacred hills, she forages wild plants, communing with elemental spirits to infuse her witchcraft with potent magick. With every step, she honours the sacred balance of the natural world, dancing with the elements—earth, air, fire, water and ether—in rituals of reverence and empowerment. As a seasoned practitioner and teacher of witchcraft, Emma shares her deep wisdom and mystical practices with seekers eager to awaken their own magickal potential. Through her courses, workshops and retreats, she guides others to blend crystal energies, herbal wisdom, and elemental rituals, empowering them on their spiritual journey. Her teachings transcend mere spells and potions, serving as a sacred invitation to connect with the earth's magick and the transformative power within. Emma's expertise extends beyond the realms of magick, her career in jewellery and gemstones has taken her all over the world, from the renowned New York Diamond District to gem mines in Africa. As well as studying with the Gemological Institute of America, she also has six years of experience as a jewellery and gemstone expert on TV, and loves the cross over between the science and the metaphysics, Through her work, she invites others to explore the hidden depths of the earth, unlocking the secrets of gemstones and their profound energies. Deeply rooted in shamanic traditions, Emma's journey began under the tutelage of a fourth-generation Siberian shaman, where she learned the ancient wisdom and sacred practices that continue to guide her work today. With her shamanic training and intuitive connection to the spiritual realms, Emma facilitates transformative healing sessions, guiding seekers on a path of self-discovery, empowerment, and spiritual growth. As a Certified Shamanic Practitioner, Journey Facilitator, Soul Retrieval Facilitator, Accredited Crystal Practitioner, Plant Spirit Shaman, Ancestral Trauma Healing Practitioner, and Meditation Facilitator, Emma offers a diverse array of skills and techniques to support individuals on their journey of healing, empowerment, and spiritual growth. Through her sacred rituals and ceremonies, she invites others to reconnect with their true essence and embrace the magic of the shamanic path.

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