
How to Navigate Mercury Retrograde with Crystals and Herbs

How to Navigate Mercury Retrograde with Crystals and Herbs

August 12, 20244 min read

"The universe is always speaking to us... sending us little messages, causing coincidences and serendipities, reminding us to stop, to look around, to believe in something else, something more.." - Nancy Thayer

Hello, beautiful souls! This quote perfectly encapsulates the essence of Mercury Retrograde - a time when the universe is inviting us to pause, reflect, and embrace the magick that surrounds us. And what better way to align with this cosmic energy than by working with the incredible power of crystals and herbs?

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As a shamanic witch who has journeyed with these magickal allies for nearly two decades, I'm excited to share some wisdom and practical tips to help you navigate this time with grace, empowerment, and a sprinkle of rebellious whimsy.

Mercury Retrograde is often painted as a time of disruption and confusion, but what if we shifted our perspective? What if, instead of dreading this cosmic event, we embraced it as an opportunity for deep reflection, healing, and transformation? By aligning with the energy of Mercury Retrograde and working with the power of crystals and herbs, we can tap into a wellspring of magick and self-discovery.

First, let's explore some of the crystals that can support us during this time:

  1. Blue Lace Agate: This soothing stone is incredible for promoting calm, clear communication. It's like a balm for the throat chakra, helping us express ourselves with authenticity and grace.

  2. Black Tourmaline: A powerful protector, Black Tourmaline shields us from negative energies and helps us stay grounded amidst the chaos. It's like having a steadfast guardian by our side.

  3. Fluorite: This crystal is a master of mental clarity and focus. It's perfect for those moments when our thoughts feel scattered, helping us find our centre and navigate challenges with ease.

  4. Amethyst: A stone of emotional balance and spiritual insight, Amethyst invites us to connect with our intuition and trust the wisdom within. It's a beautiful ally for self-reflection and inner growth.

But crystals are just one piece of the magickal puzzle. Let's not forget the power of herbs! Here are a few of my favourites for working with during Mercury Retrograde:

  1. Lavender: This soothing herb is like a warm hug for the soul. It helps ease anxiety, promotes relaxation, and brings a sense of peace to our inner world.

  2. Rosemary: Known for its ability to enhance memory and concentration, Rosemary is a fantastic ally for staying sharp and focused during times of confusion or miscommunication.

  3. Chamomile: This gentle herb is a master of calming the mind and soothing the spirit. It's perfect for those moments when we need to take a deep breath and find our centre.

  4. Peppermint: Invigorating and clarifying, Peppermint is incredible for boosting mental clarity and clearing away the cobwebs of confusion. Plus, it's delicious in a cup of tea!

Now, let's talk about some simple yet powerful ways to work with these crystals and herbs during Mercury Retrograde:

  1. Create a crystal grid: Combine stones like Blue Lace Agate, Black Tourmaline, and Amethyst to create a sacred space for clear communication, protection, and spiritual insight.

  2. Brew a magical tea: Infuse your favourite mug with the power of herbs like Lavender, Chamomile, and Peppermint. As you sip, visualise the steam carrying away any confusion or frustration, leaving you calm and centred.

  3. Carry a Mercury Retrograde survival kit: Fill a small pouch with crystals and herbs that resonate with you, and carry it with you throughout the day. Whenever you feel off-balance, take a moment to hold the pouch and connect with its energy.

  4. Create a ritual bath: Combine Lavender, Rosemary, and Chamomile in a muslin bag and let it steep in your bathwater. As you soak, imagine the herbs and the water washing away any blocks or challenges, leaving you refreshed and renewed.

Remember, beautiful souls, Mercury Retrograde is an opportunity for growth and transformation. By working with the magick of crystals and herbs, we can navigate this time with grace, wisdom, and a deep trust in our own intuition. So let's embrace the journey, stay connected to our authentic truth, and allow the power of nature to guide us forward.

Until next time, keep shining your light and know that you are supported by the Earth, the cosmos, and the incredible community of kindred spirits walking this path alongside you.

If you'd like to dive deeper into the world of crystals, herbs, and Mercury Retrograde, I invite you to watch the full video on my YouTube channel, The Wild and Untamed Way. Together, we'll explore more practical tips, powerful rituals, and inspiring insights to help you align with the energy of this cosmic event and unleash your inner magick.

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Emma Louise Dyson

In the embrace of nature's whispers, Emma, a devoted Earth Medicine Woman, Shamanic Witch and Feral Rebel, weaves her magical tapestry. From the depths of ancient forests to the whispering winds atop sacred hills, she forages wild plants, communing with elemental spirits to infuse her witchcraft with potent magick. With every step, she honours the sacred balance of the natural world, dancing with the elements—earth, air, fire, water and ether—in rituals of reverence and empowerment. As a seasoned practitioner and teacher of witchcraft, Emma shares her deep wisdom and mystical practices with seekers eager to awaken their own magickal potential. Through her courses, workshops and retreats, she guides others to blend crystal energies, herbal wisdom, and elemental rituals, empowering them on their spiritual journey. Her teachings transcend mere spells and potions, serving as a sacred invitation to connect with the earth's magick and the transformative power within. Emma's expertise extends beyond the realms of magick, her career in jewellery and gemstones has taken her all over the world, from the renowned New York Diamond District to gem mines in Africa. As well as studying with the Gemological Institute of America, she also has six years of experience as a jewellery and gemstone expert on TV, and loves the cross over between the science and the metaphysics, Through her work, she invites others to explore the hidden depths of the earth, unlocking the secrets of gemstones and their profound energies. Deeply rooted in shamanic traditions, Emma's journey began under the tutelage of a fourth-generation Siberian shaman, where she learned the ancient wisdom and sacred practices that continue to guide her work today. With her shamanic training and intuitive connection to the spiritual realms, Emma facilitates transformative healing sessions, guiding seekers on a path of self-discovery, empowerment, and spiritual growth. As a Certified Shamanic Practitioner, Journey Facilitator, Soul Retrieval Facilitator, Accredited Crystal Practitioner, Plant Spirit Shaman, Ancestral Trauma Healing Practitioner, and Meditation Facilitator, Emma offers a diverse array of skills and techniques to support individuals on their journey of healing, empowerment, and spiritual growth. Through her sacred rituals and ceremonies, she invites others to reconnect with their true essence and embrace the magic of the shamanic path.

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