
What is Mabon and How Can You Celebrate

What is Mabon and How Can You Celebrate

September 16, 20244 min read

"Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go." - Unknown

Hello, wild ones! Wow, wow, wow! As the vibrant hum of summer gently fades, can you feel that wondrous shift in the air? The quiet whisper of autumn calling us to pause, to breathe, and to dive deep into a season of reflection and gratitude. Today, let's journey together through the magickal essence of Mabon, the autumn equinox. Get comfy, grab a cup of something warm, and let’s chat about embracing the sacred rhythms of this beautiful season.

What is Mabon and How Can You Celebrate

Unveiling Mabon

Mabon is the autumn equinox – a wondrous day of balance where light and dark dance in perfect harmony. It's one of the eight sacred sabbats on the pagan wheel of the year and marks our second harvest festival. You see, Mabon invites us to celebrate not only the abundance laid before us but also the incredible journey we've travelled through the ups and downs of this year.

The Magick of Balance

Let’s get real for a moment. Mabon is more than just an acknowledgment of the Earth's gifts; it’s a soulful reminder to find our own balance. Where in your life can you let go? What must you release to make space for new growth? Like the leaves falling from the trees, let us embrace the beauty in surrendering what no longer serves us. Trust me, there's a deep magick in releasing and making way for the new.

Rich Colours and Sacred Tools

Oh, the joy of Mabon colours! We’re talking deep reds, burnt oranges, golden yellows, earthy browns, and lush greens. These hues aren’t just visually stunning. They embody abundance and grounding, reflecting the energy and transformation of the season. Imagine these colours gracing your altar, home, or even your wardrobe. Can you feel the incredible earthy vibes already?

Crystals, Herbs, and Symbols

Now, let's talk about the sacred tools and symbols. Think citrine, amber, carnelian, and smoky quartz—all powerful, grounding, and bursting with the energy of Mabon. And the herbs? Sage, rosemary, mugwort, and cinnamon—a feast for the senses!

Symbols like the cornucopia, acorns, and harvest wreaths are not just decorations; they are deep, soulful reminders of the overflowing abundance of the earth and the potential for new beginnings. They connect us, grounding us in nature’s sacred cycles.

Feasting in Gratitude

Mabon feasting... oh, my heart! This is where we gather, share, and give thanks. Apples, pumpkins, squash, root vegetables—all these beautiful gifts of the season reflect our preparation for the darker months. Baking an apple pie, crafting a homemade loaf of bread – these are not just food prep; they are sacred rituals infused with gratitude..

Rituals and Reflective Practices

Now, lovely souls, let’s dive into the heart of Mabon rituals. Fancy a gratitude jar? Each slip of paper inside is a magical testament to your blessings this year. Or perhaps a balance spell with a black and white candle, inviting you to meditate on balancing your life’s scales. Crafty? Personalise a Mabon sachet filled with herbs and crystals, carrying the season's energy with you.

Connecting and Community

Mabon is also about connection, my dears. Host a Mabon feast or a circle with kindred spirits, sharing stories, gratitude, and rituals. If we can’t gather in person, why not create a virtual celebration? Our collective energy, whether near or far, weaves a supportive, nurturing container for growth and reflection.

Deep Reflection and Shadow Work

This sacred time invites us to slow down and reflect deeply. What have we harvested this year? What lessons have we learnt? Engage in shadow work; don’t shy away from those parts of ourselves we need to heal. Let’s welcome and transform our vulnerabilities, our raw truths, with compassion and grace.

Embrace the Season

Whether through crafting, walking in nature, or quiet moments of reflection, Mabon calls us to honour both light and shadow within. As we journey into the darker half of the year, let’s celebrate our harvest with open hearts, filled with gratitude and a sense of awe for the cycles of life.

Awakening Our Inner Magic

If you’re feeling called to delve deeper, consider joining my beginner’s shamanic witchcraft course—designed to awaken your inner witch and empower your spiritual journey. Together, we can explore ancient practices and modern magick, fostering deep connections with the natural world.

May your Mabon be filled with reflection, gratitude, and deep, soulful connections. Go on, stay wild, stay untamed, and embrace the incredible magick within!

For an even deeper dive into Mabon’s magick, rituals, and more, watch the full video on our YouTube channel "The Wild and Untamed Way." Let’s celebrate and honour this beautiful season together.

Mabon celebrationAutumn equinox ritualsMabon historyMabon folklorePagan harvest festivalCelebrating MabonMabon correspondencesAutumn equinox customsMabon altar ideasMabon feastingMabon colors and crystalsMabon gratitude ritualMabon magical toolsModern Mabon traditionsMabon seasonal foods
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Emma Louise Dyson

In the embrace of nature's whispers, Emma, a devoted Earth Medicine Woman, Shamanic Witch and Feral Rebel, weaves her magical tapestry. From the depths of ancient forests to the whispering winds atop sacred hills, she forages wild plants, communing with elemental spirits to infuse her witchcraft with potent magick. With every step, she honours the sacred balance of the natural world, dancing with the elements—earth, air, fire, water and ether—in rituals of reverence and empowerment. As a seasoned practitioner and teacher of witchcraft, Emma shares her deep wisdom and mystical practices with seekers eager to awaken their own magickal potential. Through her courses, workshops and retreats, she guides others to blend crystal energies, herbal wisdom, and elemental rituals, empowering them on their spiritual journey. Her teachings transcend mere spells and potions, serving as a sacred invitation to connect with the earth's magick and the transformative power within. Emma's expertise extends beyond the realms of magick, her career in jewellery and gemstones has taken her all over the world, from the renowned New York Diamond District to gem mines in Africa. As well as studying with the Gemological Institute of America, she also has six years of experience as a jewellery and gemstone expert on TV, and loves the cross over between the science and the metaphysics, Through her work, she invites others to explore the hidden depths of the earth, unlocking the secrets of gemstones and their profound energies. Deeply rooted in shamanic traditions, Emma's journey began under the tutelage of a fourth-generation Siberian shaman, where she learned the ancient wisdom and sacred practices that continue to guide her work today. With her shamanic training and intuitive connection to the spiritual realms, Emma facilitates transformative healing sessions, guiding seekers on a path of self-discovery, empowerment, and spiritual growth. As a Certified Shamanic Practitioner, Journey Facilitator, Soul Retrieval Facilitator, Accredited Crystal Practitioner, Plant Spirit Shaman, Ancestral Trauma Healing Practitioner, and Meditation Facilitator, Emma offers a diverse array of skills and techniques to support individuals on their journey of healing, empowerment, and spiritual growth. Through her sacred rituals and ceremonies, she invites others to reconnect with their true essence and embrace the magic of the shamanic path.

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